Pre Valentine's Day Total Love Immersion Call

Pre Valentine’s Day
Total Love Immersion Call Replay

There’s good news if you missed Thursday’s Pre-Valentine’s Day Total Love Immersion Call…

you can pick up an mp3 recording of the call right here:

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You’ll get to experience the same blissful feelings that the callers who were on the call felt.

Plus, you’ll hear several unique perspectives on: the power of love, spiritual battles, “emasculating” tyrants and bullies, the human chakra system applied to world events, types of love, and a profound quotation from one of my favorite sages, Nisargadatta.

For a mere $10, you can’t go wrong. Especially, when you consider you can listen to the Total Love Immersion meditation that was played during the call whenever you like.

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Use the energy on this call to deepen an existing relationship, attract a new partner or just feel “blissed out.” You can only win!

Best wishes,